Discover the root cause of any issue in a systematic, intuitive way.
Meet WhyBot, your virtual investigation assistant!
The 5 Whys is a problem-solving technique developed by Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota Industries. The main goal is to identify the root cause of a problem by asking "why" five times, or as many times as needed to reach the root of the problem. Each answer forms the basis of the next question.
Your investigation process starts off by letting WhyBot know the situation. Complete WhyBot's investigation form and indicate:
✓ What is the problem?
✓ What immediate actions have been taken to correct or control the situation
✓ Any other Information or known facts you have
WhyBot will then analyze the problem and as "why" five times to determine the suggested root cause of the problem. WhyBot will then help you fix the problem by providing suggested preventative actions.
With each "why" and corresponding answer, WhyBot goes deeper into the problem, until it identifies a suggested root cause and potential preventative actions. Empower your problem-solving process today.